Matt Doctor appointment went well on Monday.
Matt's Restrictions:
1. Can't lift more than 10 pounds for another 3 week. Next week switch to can't lift more than 15 pounds.
2. Take it easy for 8 weeks after surgery.
3. Stitches out 30 days after surgery.
4. Has to each lots of calories but good foods.
5. No driving when taking medicines
6. Drink lots of water and juice, no carbon sodas (especially colas)
7. CT Scan in 6 months
8. Will have to have Chemo again 8 week after surgery for 3 to 6 months, every other week.
9. Have to have a certain blood test to check if cancer is back every 2 months.
10. Yearly check up in Washington D.C. every year.
After the check up we said good-bye to all the nurses, PA's, tech's and everyone that worked on 2NW. We took them a thank you bag of assorted fruits.
Then we went back to Bills and Leity's and packed our bag and left at 3:30 Monday. We were all home sick. Once we got started we couldn't stop. We drove straight for 13 hours and got home at 5:00 in the morning. We stopped for food and gas. When we got home straight to bed for a few hours.
Matt got up and went straight to Casey's to relax!
Here is Elsa Sugarbaker and Dr. Luigi at Matt's check up and a picture of 2NW people that took care of Matt! They spoiled him!!
Alright Matty.. so when were you going to tell me that we're going on a family vacation every year to DC?
Glad to read that you are back home safe and sound !
Michael and Carrie
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