Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dr. Appointment, Friday

On Friday, Sept 25, Matt had a Dr. appointment with Dr. Kyle Holen in Johnson Creek Cancer Center. They weighed Matt. With his clothes and shoes on he was 127 pounds. Dr Holen explained to Matt that he needs to put on weight. Dr. Holen said that any more chemo at this time would hurt Matt more that it would help him. His body need to recuperate. He needs to put on weight and get stronger!

Matt and Dr. Holen and a team of physicians from UW-Madison thought that Matt needs to have another CT scan and tumor marker test (CEA blood test) done in October. They are going to use this as a base numbers. From there they are going to watch Matt's progress. Every 3 months Matt will have CT scan and tumor marker test done. They will decide on coarse of action as they see fit according to Matt's numbers.

In the mean time Matt can eat anything he wants. Matt does have to keep in mind eating healthy is the way to go. Dr. Holen said that hopefully in a few months some of the side effects for the chemo will disappear. The Doctor said that maybe in a few months or so Matt will be able to have ice cream and cold drinks. He said everyone is different. It might take Matt weeks or it might take months before the cold doesn't effect him.

When it comes to the numbness in his fingers and legs. Dr Holen said that could take years before that will dissappear. He has had some patients that took up to 9 years before the numbness goes away.

Matt is very happy not to have to do chemo for awhile! He is very excited to start feeling better so he can work. He is planning on going to work on Monday.

Matt and Casey would like to start building a house sometime next year. He wants to work and save money to build a house with lots of car space! Still a discussion in works!

1 comment:

Jean and Bob said...

Ok Matt, I read the part about your body needing to recoperate, wouldn't that mean to give it some rest???? I understand your need to keep going, but the body needs rest. Stay home for a while and eat alot of good healthy food to put on some weight instead of working it off.
We probably won't see you again until Thanksgiving.
We love you Matt.
Jean and Bob