Thursday, January 6, 2011


Matt had chemo today. Everything was going well until it was almost time to go home. Just like last time Matt started to vomit. Dr Eastman prescribed some more zofran. The minute Matt swallowed his pill, 2 minutes later he started to vomit. Then Dr Eastman prescribe a stronger medicine by IV. Matt slept while he got the new medication. Matt felt better so I took him home. Matt crawled into bed to sleep for hopefully a long time.

Dr. Holen and Dr Eastman decided to change the medications for the next time Matt does chemo. Matt is going to get a new drug called Amend. He had this drug the last time he did Xeloda chemo treatments. Diana the nurse called the insurance company to see if it was covered. He has to take three pills one each day for the first three days of chemo. It cost $800 for three pills. We found out the insurance will pay and Matt's copay is only $45. Hopefully this will help Matt so he will stop vomiting after he does his treatment.

Matt will continue to due chemo every other week. On January 31 he will have another tumor marker test done. Each week Matt has lab work done. They check the levels of his liver and other levels to make sure his body is accepting the xeloda.

Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers!

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