Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Clincial Trail

Matt got a call from Jennifer from UW-Madison Hospital.  She said that the lady on the list ahead of Matt was having some concerns and Matt was getting pushed back to end of July before he can start on his trial.
Although Matt has been feeling pretty good, except for another pain in his pelvic region this clinical trail should help shrink his tumors.  I called Dr. Holen to let him know what is going on and he said he would call
UW-Madison and find out exactly what was happening.  In the mean time Dr. Holen wanted Matt to have an office visit to check on the pain he is having.

Matt saw Dr. Bethany Anderson today.  She said that it might be residual pain from having the radiation. It is not a constant pain and it is not every day.  She said the pain should go away.  This was good news.  Hopefully the pain will go away ASAP!!!

This afternoon Dr. Holen called back.  He said that he talk to Dr. Noelle LeConte at UW-Hosptial.  She said the lady they are waiting on took a blood test.  The test should be back in two days.  If the blood test is not any better,  then this Lady will be dropped from the clinical trail and Matt can start next week. What a conundrum.  I do  not want to wish ill will on anyone!  I wish she can stay on the clinical trail and Matt can start it too!!! I leave it in God's hands.  He has a plan for Matt and this lady.  I pray for the best for her.

We will find out in a few days as to the answer if Matt will start the trail next week.

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God nows best what is good for us. by: Socrates

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers!  Matt and his family could not have made it this far without them!!

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