Sunday, October 2, 2011

ER Visit

Last night Matt started experiencing swelling in his tongue.  He said it felt like he swallowed it.  Casey took him to the emergency room.  By then he couldn't talk he could only mumble.  His kept looking up to the sky and his mouth muscles were not in control.  They gave him benadryl through his IV.  In ten minutes he
could talk again.  His throat still did not feel right so they gave a second dose of benadryl. He felt better after that and he walk out of the emergency room and went home.  They sent home some benadryl so he can take it every 6 hours for the next 24 hours to make sure this doesn't happen again.   They also sent home some zofran to help with the nausous feeling he has. 

They determined it was the nauseous medication that Matt had at home that he took is what caused this allegric reaction.  The doctor says that Matt is now allegeric to Compazine.  No more Compazine for Matt!!

Matt has been feeling okay for now.  He is hooked up to the IV pump getting his medication to continue to make sure that blood infection is gone!  October 9th can't come soon enough.  Then Matt can get unhooked from the pump and done with all the other drugs.  Hopefully then he can start eating again and start feeling better.

Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

sue putra said...

Matt, Just when you think it can't get worse, huh? This sounds pretty scarey to me. I can't imagine not being able to speak.
You and Casey are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I am wondering what would be most helpful to you - a visit? a dinner? something else? privacy? I know how much you two love each other and want to be with each other so I don't want to horn in or inconvenience you. Just know I am thinking about you, and praying. Love to you both - Sue Putra