Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Things are going

They last few weeks we have been working at trying to fatten Matt up.  He has gained 5 pounds!!  Matt is working hard at trying to eat better foods!!

This last week we visited Dr. Eastman about the swelling in his legs.  His feet up to his knees get swollen.  Matt tries to keep his feet up when he is sitting.  That seems to be helping some.  Dr. Eastman said he should get the pressure stockings to help with the swelling and the pain when Matt walks.  The socks seem to help some too. 

We thought things have been going good with his Nephrostomy tube.  Last night it seemed clogged so Matt tried to flush it himself.  He thought things were working but this morning the bag was not full like it normally is.  When this happens Matt gets pain in his abdomen from the back up of urine. I tried to flush it but nothing was working so we called Maria from Rainbow Hospice.  Of course while she was en route to Matt's house I figured out the extension that I need to use to help flush was not working.  It was a faulty piece of equipment.  I change that piece of equipment and tried the flushing again and it worked!!  So when Maria got there she changed the dressing on Matt's back.  That had not been changed for awhile.  Matt and I were getting a little nervous when we could not get the Nephrostomy tube flowing!  Luckily it started working and we went on with our day.

Matt is busily making lists.  He is getting everything off his mind and down on paper.  We are accomplishing a lot of things he wants to get done.  I need to take note myself.  The making a list looks a great idea.  I need to start one myself!

I believe in mind over matter.. I believe in the human spirit to prevail... I believe in miracles and blessings, both great and small...I believe in possibilities...I believe that hurdles in life are meant to be jumped over, not as something to stop us...I believe in God.... I believe in Matt!!!

Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers!

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