Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Matt keeps on going!

I just can't believe what a strong young man Matt is.  Every morning he has the drive to get up and keep going.  He keeps saying there is so much to do!

Matt's legs continue to swell.  He is weighing about 122 pounds.  Probably lots of it is water weight.  Lately he has been only able to wear boots or his flip flops.  His shoes are a little tight. Matt is eating very good.  He has a pop tart or two every morning.  He eats a good meal at lunch.  His portion size isn't like it used to be but he still eats a generous portion.  Then he has a good supper! Matt has been coughing a lot more.  Possible could be due to the tumors in his lungs are growing and taking up  some of  the space or a possible cold due to his nose is stuffed.  When he gets up to fast from sitting, sometimes everything goes white for a few seconds.  Then he has to stopped and wait for everything to focus and then he goes.  Matt just needs to slow down.  Matt is trying to do to much and pushing himself to hard.

Matt is furiously working on his coupons.  Anyone knows of a good site on the computer for Matt to print coupons let us know!!  Matt gets upset when he goes to the store and the "dumb" computer,  doesn't  give him his sale price then he has to spend his time at the front desk to get his money back.  We have learned to really watch when the cashier is ringing up the groceries.  The sale  price doesn't always pop up on his receipt and he doesn't get his sale price.

Matt still continues on.  He still has things he wants to get done and is working towards them.

"Jesus has you in his hands and holds you with a grip of grace that will not slip and with an arm of strength that will not fail.  Jesus spake unto them, saying,("Be of good cheer, it is I; be not afraid")".
(Matthew 14:27)

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