Monday, November 24, 2008

Feeling a little Rough

Later in the afternoon during Matt's chemo treatment, he started feeling sick. He threw up three times during the end of his treatment and then he got something for nausea. He also had muscle spasms in his stomach and arms which they gave him a drug with relief. He said when he left that he just felt tired and hungry because he had nothing left in his stomach. After he got home, he ended up getting sick again and is still really tired. Tonight, he is going to just go to bed and get some rest. Hopefully, he will feel better tomorrow. Please continue to keep Matt in your prayers.

1 comment:

Bertoni's said...

Hi Matt,

We just heard about your current battle with the big 'C'. So sorry to hear this. Your positive attitude and fighting spirit will go far. Have fun this weekend (be careful!) and congrats on your engagement. Our prayers are with you.

God Bless,
The Bertoni's