Monday, November 10, 2008


We have had quite a busy week and missed a couple of days so here's a quick recap! :)
Thursday, Novemeber 6th- Matt went out to dinner with Casey, Ryan, Jen, and Casey's cousin Jerad and his wife and son from Virginia who came to visit. Grandma Aud and Grandpa Boy also came to visit before they left for Branson, MO. Matt had a good time and always enjoys company.
Friday, November 7th- Matt and Casey went out to lunch with a bunch of Casey's family. Then Matt paid another trip to Madison to ensure his ability to have a family in the future. That night, Matt went out for a fish fry with dad's side of the family to Elias Inn but there was a very long wait. They decided to head over to the Elk's Lodge and joined Casey's parents for the waiting period and headed back to Elias in for dinner.
Saturday, November 8th- In the morning, the family went to move Jenny out since she decided to move home to help out around the house. She was in Steven's Point visiting Mike but the family had time to do it that day, so they took advantage. Matt had a good time too! He got to go to Aunt Shelly's and play Rock Band with Nic and Tom! He started off on the drums but Nic and Tom decided Matt was a hurting unit to their band, and made the executive decision to switch him over to the guitar. Singing was already out of the question; Tommy handled the singing! :) Later that afternoon, Matt's friend Alex and family came to visit at home. Also, a friend of the family, Dean and Nancy Reichert came to visit Matt. After all of the visitors, Matt was on his way to the 4th Semi-Annual Danihel Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament. After a competitive night, Matt ended up in 2nd place out of 24 people taking home $50 with Natie close behind in 11th place and dad, 19th place. Congrats!
Sunday, November 9th- Matt went to St. Henry's church in the morning with Casey because she had a school project to do. Then they went back to the house where Aunt Tereseeeeee forcefully made Matt work an inhumane amount of hours in the freezing cold weather with no jacket or food or breaks....just kidding. He just sat on the couch while Casey and Aunt Tereseeee held up items of clothing for him to go through and get rid of. Matt was having a difficult time parting with his clothes. :) Then Matt and Casey went to a dance recital where the mini's performed. Then Matt took a well-deserved nap after Aunt Tereseeeeee's brutality. Then Casey and Matt met with Jerry and Linda (Casey's parents) at the Elk's Lodge for a spaghetti dinner. Matt had trouble eating all of his spaghetti but he had no problem finishing every crumb of the chocolate cake for dessert. Then they headed home to rest and watch all of Matt's Aunt's and friends organize the house. He also now has a very organized closet and dresser full of clothes despite what Aunt Tereseeeeeeeeeeeeee made him throw out. He wants to thank everyone for all of the help that they have done. It is very much appreciated. FYI: On his Christmas list is new clothes. Matt and Casey had a relaxing night and watched some shows with friends, Ashley and Zack. Then Matt was pretty tired and got a long night's sleep.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Yes, congrats Matt on Secon place in the tourney. I do love how your Mom gave congrats to your dad for placing in the bottom 25% too! Keep up the good spirit.

Uncle Andy