Friday, March 27, 2009

Stitches are Out!!

Matt went to see Dr. Stoddard yesterday. She looked at Matt's stitches and said all looked good. Then she started to take them out. Matt counted them as she took them out. He counted 50 Stitches and 1 large stitch where the chest tube was! A few of them seem to hurt when she took them out. Matt smiles of course when she got them all out! Matt explained about the numbness in his right hand still. She wrote him a prescription to have therapy on his hand. He starts next week with therapy.

Wednesday night Matt went and uncovered his camaro. He couldn't wait any more. He drove it around the block home from Grandma's house. Now he wants to take it to the shop and have help to put in the new seats, headlights and wheels on his car!

Starting next week he wants to start going to the shop a couple of times for a few hours. He knows starting next week he can't lift more than 15 pounds. Getting tired of being home. He has been spending lots of time with Casey.

Thank you for all you continued thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

sharon schlotthauer said...

Hi Matt, I thought I would check in with you to let you know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Good to see that you will be working a couple of hours a week. Please be careful cuz you need to give your body time to recover.
God bless Caseys aunt