Friday, January 22, 2010

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Dean Care called and said they would pay for the surgery but not for the chemo wash if we end up needing it. So surgery will be next Thursday, Jan 28, 2009. So if Matt needs the chemo wash it will be out of pocket. We are thankful that Dean Care paid for the Washington Surgery last year and are helping with it this year.

All our thoughts and prayers have been half answered. Very happy to get the surgery. Also that now we are having the surgery Federated said they would help pay for it. Federated has paid for the surgery's that we had at home and all the chemo we had at home. They also have been very good with all Matt's medications he has had in the past. The road blocks with Federated has been the out of network surgeries and chemo wash. We are thankful that they are helping this time also.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Palmer and Judy said...

Yippee! All of our tele calls and prayers worked!!

more prayers & love, Judy