Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Week of Chemo over

Chelsey and Shaun Wegner's wedding

Matt and Casey wearing funny hats when one of their cousin's thought they should wear.

Matt & Casey standing on their new tile floor in the front entry way.

Matt & Casey's kitchen

Matt's first week of chemo is over. It starts another week of chemo on Wednesday. Matt's first week went okay. The extra drugs he got for the cold seemed to help. He plans to continue it. This round of chemo made him tired and nausea all week. As soon as he was done with chemo he had more energy. Matt goes for labs on Tuesday morning and chemo on Wednesday. Then he takes the chemo pills for six days.

Matt has been working real hard on his house. Matt and Ryan got the tile floor done in the master bath and extra bathroom and the front entry way. They did a real good job. It looks great!!! The only tile left is on the side of the bath tub. This week the plumber and electrician plan to finish up! They have all the lights, toilets, sinks and counter tops ready to go for this week. Matt and Casey had a wonderful weekend. They had a dnner lunch with Casey' s family and then they went to Uncle Jeff's for a get together on Kitty's side of the family.

On Saturday Matt & Casey went to Chelsey and Shaun's wedding. They had dinner and time for good talk and Matt was tired so they went home. During the day Casey's little blue revenue girls were in the holiday parade. Matt drove the truck with their float.

Thank you to everyone for all your continue thoughts and prayers. Hopefully his labs come back good. Matt blood count was low. They are keeping an eye on him so he hopefully will not have to have a few pints of blood transfused.

1 comment:

Jean and Bob said...

Hey, your home is looking great!!!! How exciting, soon you will actually be able to move in. It sure has to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Love you
Jean and Bob