Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Third Hospital Stay & CEA tumor marker score

Matt is in the hospital for his third and last hospital stay.  This is day 15th of the trail.  Matt has developed a rash on his face, back shoulders and chest.  They told us about a moisturizer that will help with it that we will need to get.  If the rash worsens they want Matt to call the RN in charge of the clinical trial.  Matt has also developed some nausea but not bad enough for him to take medication for it.  Matt has a touch of the diarrhea.  They are going to give him a prescription to help him with that. If any of these symptoms worsen he is to call the Nurse of the clinical trial.

Now for the trail Matt has to see Dr. LaConte once a month for a physcial and he will go to Johnson Creek monthly for labs.  Every other month they will have Matt have a CT Scan at Watertown Hospital.  As long as Matt is tolerating the medication and the medication is working he can stay on the trial.  If he is not feeling well and wants to get off the trail he can.  God willing the new drugs are shrinking the cancer that is inside o f

The nurse came in and told us Matt's new CEA tumor marker score.  His last marker was done on 4/15/11 and the score was 56.2.  They did labs right before Matt started his clinical trial for a base line and it was 41.8!!! Yeah!!!!!! Hopefully it continues to go down!!!!

Thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers.  I pray to God that these new drugs work on Matt's cancer!

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