Friday, September 2, 2011

Matt doing okay

Matt has been taking both of his chemo pills.  He has been getting very tired easily.  Matt does not let that get him down.  He is still going to work most days. He had a
wedding one weekend and he has been to 2 Brewers games.  Matt has also been
keeping busy trying to help Casey get ready for her kindergarten classroom.

Matt still has pelvic pain which he takes around the clock pain medication.  If it gets real bad he has a quick 4 hour pain medication he can take on top of the 12 hour pain medication he takes already.

Matt has a doctor appointment with Dr. Le Conte on  Sept 12 with labs first and appointment second.  This will be day 28 of the clinical trail.  We will find out
how things are progressing.  If the new drugs are shrinking the cancer in Matt or

I believe in the power of prayer!! Thank you so much for your continued prayers!

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