Friday, October 24, 2008


Last night we played some Queens (a card game) with friends and family with Uncle Neil, the rookie, taking the pot. We sat down for a movie but Matt was pretty tuckered from the day and was ready for bed. Last night Matt got a great night sleep with Casey because Dad wasn't in the room with his LOUD snoring according to Matt. He said it was the best night sleep so far. This morning around 10 Matt went on a walk around the unit a couple of times. His pain is much better and tolerable. So the count so far is 2 laps today and he excited to do many more. Matt still has his sense of humor, for example he says his catheter is "nice way to pee on the run." Matt welcomes many visitors and is excited for the rest of the day. He is waiting to pass gas so he can finally eat some actual food. His diet has been ice chips and water since Tuesday so don't let him talk you in to juice or desserts when you come to visit! Just a forewarning, he will try! :)
More to come...

1 comment:

Patty said...

Thanks for keeping us updated, we are all thinking about "The Krueger" family here at the high school!!!