Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat

Matt had a couple trick or treat visitors today. He gave them a little piece of candy and tried the trick or treat thing back to them, but all they could give him was jello or water. He said it was worth a shot! :) He is feeling MUCH better after a long nap today. His tummy isn't so upset and color has returned to his face. The doctor came and removed his dressing from his incision and said it looked really good. There were no signs of infection or anything like that. She covered it back up and also said his bowel sounds were great. She said that maybe a good nights rest will help his bowels get moving. She said he will stay on a clear liquid diet but it doesn't look like he will be going home tomorrow. His stomach is still a little distended but it is going down slowly.

More to come...


richterfamily said...

Hey Matt, Just heard about your situation. We are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. You are such a positive person with the best smile. Stay Strong!! With Love and Prayers, The Richter Family ~ Bill, Rosy, Adam

jennifer said...

I just wanted to let you know that you are in our families prayers daily! Stay strong and know we are thinking of you, keep in the fight! Mr. and Mrs. Cashin, and Davis