Saturday, February 28, 2009

Feeling a little better

His NG tube seems to not be working the greatest. So the nurses come every 2 hours to flush it and make sure it is still working. Matt got his bed change and Mary took care of Matt so I could get a nap in. He never argues when we make him do his breathing or make him do his leg excerises. He is a real trooper. Hopefully tomorrow brings us a better day. Hopefully he will be able to sleep. His nose is very sore from them pulling on the NG tube, his throat is sore and always getting a lot of flem that sticks in his throad and then it is hard to swallow. He uses his suction a lot to help with this. All the nurses and doctors and techs, everyone has been great with Matt. He always remembers his "thank yous" and "pleases" they comment on what a great guy he is!!! I always agree with them.

I pray that Matt has a better night sleep so he can feel a little refreshed in the morning. Thank you for your prayers and continue to keep Matt in your thoughts and prayers.


Dave and Cindy said...

Alway's the gentleman! Hope you have a good night and better tomorrow! As alway's, we are thinking of, and praying for you.

sharon schlotthauer said...

Hi Matt, I was always leaving you a comment but now Jack tells me I had to register, so hopefully you will get this one. I'm sorry to hear that you are not able to get a good night sleep. I cannot image the discomfort that you are having. I pray that tomorrow will be a day of comfort and inner peace.
I read your blog daily, sorry that you did not get my other messages. By the time I get all this figured out you will be home.
My typing also sucks so it takes me forever to type something. God walk with you. Love your smile.