Thursday, November 10, 2011

Another Procedure Tomorrow

Tomorrow Matt is having another procedure at Watertown Hospital.  Dr. Robert Lesniak will be performing  a procedure called, Paercutaneous nephrostomy.  He will
putting a tube into Matt's back into Matt's right kidney.  He is going to drain the kidney.
They will test the urine to see if it is infected.  The tube will stay in Matt's kidney. The doctor will attach a bag to it.  The kidney will be able to drain into the baf.

Matt's right kidney will drain into the bag for several weeks.  They will have to watch
that around the tube doesn't get infected.  Matt's left kidney will continue to function as normal while the right kidney will use the bag.

This bag can be temporary or permanent.  Dr. Lesniak think he could go through the tube and put a stint in Matt's ureter.  He has done this before with cancer patients that have their ureter filled with cancer.  Matt has had bad experiences with stints and not
sure he wants to try this procedure.  If he decides he doesn't want to try puttting the stint in  then the bag for his right kidney will become permanent. 

The procedure tomorrow with take a hour and half.  They will numb Matt's back around the area they will put the tube in. Matt will come home the same day.

I pray that the tube goes in and that Matt's body will accept this tube. I hope this helps to take away some of the pain Matt is experiencing.  Also that this helps to lower
Matt's blood pressure.  His blood pressure has been running a little high.

Thank you for all your continued prayers.

1 comment:

Sarah Taylor said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers every day.
