Monday, November 14, 2011

Matt is feeling better

Matt is feeling better since his procedure.  Hospice came on Saturday and helped cover Matt's bandages so he could take a shower to go out that evening.

Friday after the procedure was a hard time with pain.  Saturday the pain was more tolerable and Matt felt like cleaning.  He cleaned the upstairs of their home.  Then he thought he should rest up.  Hospice came in and helped Matt cover his bandages so he could shower and then when he was done they changed his dressings. He even took a nap so he would be rested up for the Marine Ball Banquet.

On Sunday he slept in and got up and cleaned his garage.  He did mention
that he had more blood in his bag than urine.  I told him he needs to slow
down and let his wound heal.  He promised he would.

Today Matt has a Doctor appointment.  They are going to do an ultrasound to make sure the tube is in the right place and everything is healing good.

Thank you to everyones prayers.  Matt is feeling better and I pray that continues for a long time.

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