Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Doctor Appointment & Thanksgiving

Matt saw Dr. Holen yesterday for a check up.   He said that Matt's site where his nephrostomy tube is looks good.  The tube is doing it's job for Matt.  He still continues to get up at night every few hours to go to the bathroom. They took Matt's vitals and they were good.  Matt still has a little higher blood pressure compared to normal. Matt still struggles with trying to gain weight.  He would like to get in the 120 range.

 Matt continues to have  pain in his pelvic region.  Dr.  Holen is going to check with Dr. Anderson.  Matt might be able to have radiation in that area somewhere.  He can not have the radiation in the same spot he had last time but they might be able to radiate a near spot to help with the pain.

Matt spent this last weekend with his brother Nate and his Uncle Keith.  They went out
to eat Friday and then went and saw a movie.  Then the three went back to Matt's house and watch another movie and fell asleep.  On Saturday they got up and decided to split wood for Matt's Grandma and Grandpa and for his in-laws.  Matt likes going to Jerry and Linda's and sitting by the fire place to keep warm!!

This Holiday weekend Matt and his family are taking a road trip.  We are going to Indianapolis Indiana.  We have a hotel for Friday and Saturday night.  On Saturday
night we are going to a show.  We are going to see the "Jeff Dunham" the Ventriloquist.
He is a great comedian.  His puppet "Walter, Peanut and Achmed the Dead Terrorist" are our favorites!! We can't wait to see the show.  Matt, Casey and Nate are lucky enough to be able to meet Jeff Dunham after the show!!   Can't wait to go!!  I pray
that we have good traveling weather! Our goal is to leave Friday morning around nine and return home Sunday around supper time!  This was a good weekend because Casey, Christine, Nate are all out of school for the weekend.  Brian, Mike, Becky, Chad and I were able to get off of work Friday to be able to make it!! 

Thursday we are having my whole side of the family to our house for Thanksgiving.  We have a lot to be thankful for!  We are so thankful to have Matt for another year and pray to have him for another year!!

Thank you to everyone for all their cards and prayers for Matt!

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